Bella Freud Knitwear Care Guide

Our iconic knitted pieces can last decades when properly cared for. We use the finest yarns and materials to craft our knitted jumpers, dresses, and accessories - and we want you to get the most out of them, that's why we've put together an easy-to-abide-by guide for knitwear care.


  • Bella Freud knitwear is dry clean only unless otherwise stated. We recommend cleaning every 4-5 wears to keep your knits fresh and debris-free.


  • Small bobbles or ‘pills’ of fiber may form on the surface of your knitwear with wear, especially in areas that are subject to friction such as underarms, or where a seatbelt sits on your chest. We expect to see pilling on any piece of high-quality knitwear, it's an expected reaction when soft woolen fibers rub together, and it's nothing to be alarmed by. Pillling is likely to occur the most on the first couple of wears, and then reduce over time as bobbles are removed and the fibres settle.
  • Bobbles can be removed by hand, but for the best results, we would recommend a small battery-operated de-piller/fabric shaver like this one. We steer clear of metal combs as these can do more damage than good.
  • You should never debobble any of our mohair pieces, embrace their fluffy nature!

    Storing Knitwear/Moths

    • Always store knitwear flat and folded, never on a hanger.
    • Shake knitwear between wears to remove dust particles and lint.
    • If you are storing knitwear for a long time, ensure it is freshly dry cleaned before storage to prevent moth damage, then place folded in a zip-lock bag.
    • Place cedar balls or lavender sachets between jumpers on shelves and inside of drawers to deter moths.
    • If you see evidence of moths on your knitwear, we recommend sealing the item in a zip lock bag and placing it in the freezer for 48 hours, then dry cleaning it straight after to prevent further damage.