Wellness Rituals

When I reached the age of 25 I gave up alcohol and drugs and I have stayed that way ever since. Without these stimulants to regulate my thoughts and feelings, I turned to alternative methods. I have always been a person of extreme emotions, but always trying to suppress any visibility of my inner turbulence. My abandonment shocks are presented with glassy indifference as the internal lift hurtles downward. Without these substances to numb out with, I have looked to wellbeing as a solution - and  have found many solutions within that world. Energy is my main source of good morale. With energetic force my mood is even and sparkly. My dreads gather on the perimeter of my anxiety, then my good mood acts like a buffer and pushes back the threat. Sometimes I can visualise it like a symmetrical storm where clouds of opposing forces, as though filmed by a great Japanese director, push back the invading gloom. My main areas in need of attention were crashing attacks of tiredness - sometimes at work I would curl up in a specially acquired dog bed and have a little rest under my desk. After much tinkering I have found a small but specific selection of supplements which helps to keep me even. One of these is the Ashwaganda complex created by Lyma.
It contains 10 different patented ingredients which have each been through peer reviewed trails, and it is the brainchild of Lucy Goff - the founder of Lyma. Prevention is better than a cure and I never forget to take them. Lyma have also introduced a two step skincare regimen with a serum and face cream, and a powerful handheld laser for home use. Lucy has become a friend and we occasionally have breakfast together to talk about business. I get some helpful beauty tips as well.

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