Leigh Bowery

Leigh Bowery

There is a huge Leigh Bowery exhibition just opened at Tate Modern. It is hard for anyone to capture the brilliance and originality of Leigh – such was his uncategorizable and unquantifiable talent,...

Give up dread.

Give up dread.

Valentine’s Day has held an exaggerated significance in my life. Probably because of my ‘bohemian upbringing’ which mostly just means messy. My parents were not married; my mother never married. The corny traditional...

Sick Days

Sick Days

‘Do you remember when we lived at The Old Laundry and we were allowed half a Redoxon tablet when we were off school sick?’ I was talking to my sister Esther about a...

Marianne Faithful

Marianne Faithful

I first met Marianne Faithful when I was 20. I was invited with two friends to a dinner party on a Chelsea Embankment houseboat where she was the honoured guest. I don’t remember...

"Got any food?"

"Got any food?"

When I was 5 my mother decided we should become vegetarian. I was excited about this new family policy though sorry to lose the sausages. What happened was that my Irish grandmother had...

New Year's Wishes

New Year's Wishes

I found an old diary once with a list of new year’s wishes. At the top of the page it said ‘No more problems with my Italian backers.’ Not long after writing the...

Jimmy and Zen Buddhism

Jimmy and Zen Buddhism

When I was 6 my mother invited a spiritual guru to come over to our flat in Tunbridge Wells. There was a lot of excitement about it among the grownups and my younger sister Esther and...

Dad and Me on Horses

Dad and Me on Horses

This is a photograph of me and my dad. I wish it wasn’t so blurry, but it is immediately recognisably me and him. Funny to think of dad in a yellow jumper. I...



Today I received a letter – a rare occurrence. This one arrived in a pale grey envelope with elegant spidery handwriting. It reminded me of being at school and the intense relationships between...

Dad and Restaurants

Dad and Restaurants

My early memories of getting to know my father took place mostly in restaurants. As a tiny child I remember mum taking my sister Esther and I to meet him in Marine Ices...

Favourite Words

Favourite Words

When I was a child and living in Marrakech, my sister Esther and I entertained ourselves with obsessions about certain words. We settled on Hideous and Kinky as the favourites. We would chant them,...

The Art of Dressing, in Film

The Art of Dressing, in Film

I have always found that clothes in films are the key to bringing a character, especially a heroine, into the focus of thought provoking fascination. People’s gestures and actions, the small details of how they...

Ideas Beyond

Ideas Beyond

‘Where do you get your ideas from?’ The screen in my mind shows a desert. An uninterrupted undulating horizon of nothingness. The question of where do I get my ideas prompts the fear...

Breakfast with Christian

Breakfast with Christian

Once, when I was in Paris for work in the late 90’s, I arranged to have breakfast with my friend Christian Louboutin. We ambled down the Rue de Rivoli and wandered into a smart-looking...

From Fashion to Film

From Fashion to Film

In 1999 I did my last catwalk show. I had shown every season since soon after I launched my label, always up for nights in a row before the shows. It was such...

Wellness Rituals

Wellness Rituals

When I reached the age of 25 I gave up alcohol and drugs and I have stayed that way ever since. Without these stimulants to regulate my thoughts and feelings, I turned to...

Returning from Morocco

Returning from Morocco

Here is a picture of my mother Bernardine, my sister Esther, and me. We had just returned from living in Morocco for two years. Even though we were ‘home’ everything was hard to...

Mum & Dad

Mum & Dad

I only have one photograph of my mother and father together. This image is from when dad had taken my mother to the South of France, I think a few months after I...



I don't remember when I started to be someone who was late for things but it became a signature, a horrible one, which I both dreaded as inevitable, and on some level relished. It is ironic...



Here I am striking a pose in a room full of Nan Goldin prints at the Victoria and Albert museum. This room is part of an amazing selection of Sir Elton John and...

Yasmine Eslami

Yasmine Eslami

When I worked for Vivienne Westwood in the late 80's we occupied the attic floor in a grungy building in Camden Town. It had a long hallway with small rooms branching off, housing...

Bella's Birthday

Bella's Birthday

My birthday falls on April 17th. Most years it coincides with the Easter holidays when I or everyone else is away. As a child in the 60's and 70's we didnt have parties...

When in Rome

When in Rome

When I was 21 I fell madly in love with a man 36 years older than me. He was a Roman prince, infamous for his decadent ways and legendary good looks and charm....

Playing Dress Up

Playing Dress Up

We Brits seem to be obsessed with dressing up. Fashion aside, we have pioneered some die hard identities: Punk, Goth, New Romantics... okay I’ll stop. But whenever the dress code of a party...

Father’s Day

Father’s Day

Father’s Day. A day to think about fathers. My father was the most exciting man I’ve ever met. I didnt grow up with him and I always had that slight formality - like...

Dash the Dog

Dash the Dog

My son flew 5.351 miles back from California on his US college Spring Break to meet his father James's new puppy called Dash.  We had a family dog, a Border terrier named Joey...

Kim Gordon

Kim Gordon

I came late to Sonic Youth, after they split. I read Kim Gordon's memoir 'Girl in a Band' and was immediately interested in everything that interested her. I became fascinated by her look,...

Lucian Freud & His Rat

Lucian Freud & His Rat

When I was a child I kept a pet rat. It wasn't much bigger than a mouse and mostly lived on my shoulder. I would go for walks with it nestling under my...



When I was growing up in the 70’s, Yoko Ono seemed to be viewed by society – or at least by much of the media – as an enemy of the state. How...

Camila Batmanghelidjh

Camila Batmanghelidjh

  I had tears in my eyes when I read an interview with Camila Batmanghelidjh. It moved me the way she spoke about the young people she worked with through her charity Kids Company, her...

In Front of the Camera

In Front of the Camera

My father hated having his photograph taken. He said the flash made him go temporarily blind. In the past, he was known to have occasionally attacked any fool that tried it on. Then...

Looking for Eric

Looking for Eric

Last night I delivered a black Highwayman style coat to Eric Cantona. It was the final piece of his stage outfit for his concert tour for his new album of cool songs, written...